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Any time our site is running, our viewers may be worried about their information and/or cookies privacy. No part of Alex Blesener Apps' website will use your cookies or attempt access to your information. In an attempt to protect your privacy and the privacy of our site viewers, we advise you not to give out your personal information to anyone claiming to be Alex Blesener or a part of Alex Blesener Apps. In an effort to keep our fans informed of Alex Blesener Apps' recently new submissions, we have created this site. In an effort to keep an up-to-date online site for Alex Blesener Apps' latest favorites, we encourage viewers to click on our site. We appreciate our viewers, however, we do not encourage unsafe internet practices. Please use safe practices to protect your privacy when using the internet to view our site.

Personal Information

In no attempt on behalf of our site, your information could be collected by servers. Technologies such as Cookies and SEO are always working to understand web traffic through information collected by Cookies. Your Cookies are not important to Alex Blesener or Alex Blesener Apps. If at any point your Cookies have been accessed by someone claiming to be Alex Blesener or a part of Alex Blesener Apps, leave the site. If someone asks for information regarding your Cookies, say no. Handing over personal information in exchange for displayed products is handled under a seperate privacy policy. Information used to pay for any product owned by Alex Blesener or created by Alex Blesener Apps is not important to him/her individually or within his organization, he will not ask you for it, or attempt to use it during another circumstance. It is important to keep your information and personal information safe.

Intellectual Property

Any unprohibited sale of Intellectual Property owned by Alex Blesener is unacceptable And dimcriminatable by law. The unauthorized sales of Alex Blesener's work is rightfully considered unlawful. Any person or group of persons claiming to be Alex Blesener or a part of Alex Blesener Apps by unlawfully selling his products is infringing on intellectual property. The Intellectual property of Alex Blesener and Alex Blesener Apps is for prohibited sale only. Prohibited sale of intellectual property owned by Alex Blesener is at your fingertips. Click the image-links to get a closer view. Understand that when clicking out of our site via one of our image-links or links, you may be coming to a site that is prohibited to sell our intellectual property through a non-third-party source. Assuming your information is safe with them, we still encourage you to read their privacy policy before purchasing products from their site, or giving out any information.